Previous Projects and Activities
Long-Term Projects
A. The Encyclopaedia of Arab Islamic Civilization
B. Annotated Bibliography of Arab Islamic References on Education
Medium-Term Projects:
A. Treatment of Non-Muslims in Islam
B. Shura (Consultation) in Islam
C. Financial Administration in Islam
D. Arab and Islamic Education: Institutions and Practices
E. Development from an Islamic Perspective
Abridged Researches for Youth and Non-Specialists
The Aal al-Bayt Institute aims at making available the material of the researches and studies of the books of the medium-term projects to the general public, especially young people by rewriting them in abridged form. Thus, the Institute published four abridgements of these books entitled: “Contemporary Islamic Studies”.
Hence, the Institute started to issue English translations of the said abridgements, with the aim of acquainting non-Arabic speaking Muslims and others with the content of these projects. In 1992 it published an English abridgement of “The Treatment of non-Muslims in Islam”.